Bamboo for you!

Hello fellow earth dwellers! Here’s to hoping your Thursday is bright and sunny- unlike the rain that the clouds outside my window are accumulating. Let’s talk about a sustainability buzz word- bamboo. You know, panda food! Hop on google and search “Green Kitchen Items”, you likely won’t have to scroll very far down the page before you see bamboo utensils. They are aesthetically pleasing, photograph well, and are, in fact, a reasonably sustainable choice over plastic. And, if you are like me, your knowledge of bamboo and what we can do with it pretty much ends there. Did you know, … Continue reading Bamboo for you!

Why Hello There!

Hello fellow earth dwellers! And Happy Earth Day- this seemed like the most appropriate day to make my first post. I have been busy these last few months working on our home compost style, trying new products, and of course buying clothing so that I will have plenty to discuss. I can’t wait for you to get to know me and to share a more sustainable life with you. I want this to be a safe and open space to discuss ways that we can be just a little greener. So if you have any blog ideas, products to share, … Continue reading Why Hello There!